Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I would be very remiss if I did not make the effort to jot down a few thoughts from this evening.

Mary Ellen e-mailed me a while ago to arrange some face-to-face time. She informed me that she would be speaking at this "thing" and asked would I be willing to come? It sounded like a great thing to do, so I rsvp-ed that Jessica and I would be there!

What a wonderful event! It was a banquet for the Mary Ellen Edmunds Nursing Endowment. Mary Ellen spoke as expected, and spoke about me, rather unexpected. And the trend kind of continued through the night. Met Kenneth Cope, who presented a few songs and thoughts. I've never heard/seen him live--awesome! Had a few pictures taken, shook some hands, ate dinner...

I'm feeling a bit inarticulate at the moment (which probably has to do with the long list of "to-do's" running around in my head), the long and short of it is I had a wonderful time with wonderful people, wonderful wonderful wonderful!

Melon, you are a dear. I just love people like her. They try to be "invisible" (and quite often succeed) but then once in a while you catch them "at it." You know--doing a good deed, heeding the call of the hungry, sick, afflicted. But they don't do it because of praise or acclamation, and such is refuted when it is attempted.

And a great quote (thank you Kenneth Cope):

"Truth is truth, wher'ere 'tis found, On Christian or on heathen ground." --Orson F. Whitney

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