Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hand Sanitizer, anyone?

Ugh. I'm sick. Probably just a little cold, but man its the pits. I have that fuzzy-head-runny-nose-achy-body grossness. Blah. Stayed home sick yesterday, but I'm afraid that the world won't wait while I get better and so I have to suck it up today and get on with life. You know though, being sick gives one a nice little reminder of the love which many lovely people have for one. Take this catalogue of the "niceness" given by people yesterday:

A visiting teacher brought me a strawberry shake
Cassie (roommate) made me fries
Jo (roommate) peeled an orange, gave me cold medicine, made toast, rubbed my achy shoulders

and lastly, Mark came over and did his homework here

The last was very unusual--he usually does his homework in the Clyde building so I don't see him unless I go do homework with him there. Which makes sense, both because it is really quite distracting especially with all my roommates home and us all talking, and also because there is a program he has to use which is only available at the lab there. Sad.

I want another sick day :(

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Bad Case of the Gruntles...

You know those days when nothing "goes" quite right? While in the middle of mixing up a batch of chocolate chip cookie dough, you realize you don't have either brown sugar or chocolate chips, but it is now too late to give up the project because you've already mixed most of the other ingredients. Instead of skipping that meeting, you decide to keep your engagements and you go even though you are dead on your feet, but then you cannot find the meeting room, and in your half-crazed determination to find where you ought to be, you walk repeatedly around the building until finally you realize it is in a different building. Or perhaps you lose your keys, and after looking in all the usual places, you tear the house apart searching and as a last ditch effort, decide to look again in the usual places and there they are--in the pocket in which you always place them.

These kind of days are the days when you have to laugh to keep from crying, and then just give up on everything, clean something, make a chocolate cake, frost it while still warm and eat it straight from the pan with roommates to share in your yumminess.

"I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled." — P.G. Wodehouse

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Blog Time?

Some of you may know that I am a very transient blogger. I was completely happy with blogspot and thought I would remain here for at least a little while...but. Yes, but. The "layout" button has completely disappeared from my "dashboard" and I cannot change the layout of my blog. This is a rather irritating situation to be in. I last changed my layout about one year ago, in honor of Valentine's Day. And now Valentine's Day is over and I cannot change the colors or the pictures or ANYTHING!!!

It is most frustrating. If it doesn't get sorted in a few days I will change blog addresses YET AGAIN! I apologize in advance!