Wednesday, May 13, 2009

This blog is officially out of order.  Check out for new Brynn updates.


Monday, February 9, 2009


Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me!..... Don't ask me how old I am, but you might be able to figure it out by reading the title. I'm feeling slightly old and I'm getting wrinkles. Oh me oh my. :)

My friends Kristen, Jessica, and Rosalyn are going with me to LA over Valentine's Day weekend. So fun. We'll stay in Vegas Thursday night, wander around a bit that night and in the morning, then drive the rest of the way on Friday. At least that's the tentative plan. Who knows. I can't wait to eat yummy food and see yummy places and be with yummy people. Oooooh yeah.

Hopefully by then I will get the layout problem fixed so that I can post pictures. That would be nice.

Okay back to my ridiculous amount of homework.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hand Sanitizer, anyone?

Ugh. I'm sick. Probably just a little cold, but man its the pits. I have that fuzzy-head-runny-nose-achy-body grossness. Blah. Stayed home sick yesterday, but I'm afraid that the world won't wait while I get better and so I have to suck it up today and get on with life. You know though, being sick gives one a nice little reminder of the love which many lovely people have for one. Take this catalogue of the "niceness" given by people yesterday:

A visiting teacher brought me a strawberry shake
Cassie (roommate) made me fries
Jo (roommate) peeled an orange, gave me cold medicine, made toast, rubbed my achy shoulders

and lastly, Mark came over and did his homework here

The last was very unusual--he usually does his homework in the Clyde building so I don't see him unless I go do homework with him there. Which makes sense, both because it is really quite distracting especially with all my roommates home and us all talking, and also because there is a program he has to use which is only available at the lab there. Sad.

I want another sick day :(

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Bad Case of the Gruntles...

You know those days when nothing "goes" quite right? While in the middle of mixing up a batch of chocolate chip cookie dough, you realize you don't have either brown sugar or chocolate chips, but it is now too late to give up the project because you've already mixed most of the other ingredients. Instead of skipping that meeting, you decide to keep your engagements and you go even though you are dead on your feet, but then you cannot find the meeting room, and in your half-crazed determination to find where you ought to be, you walk repeatedly around the building until finally you realize it is in a different building. Or perhaps you lose your keys, and after looking in all the usual places, you tear the house apart searching and as a last ditch effort, decide to look again in the usual places and there they are--in the pocket in which you always place them.

These kind of days are the days when you have to laugh to keep from crying, and then just give up on everything, clean something, make a chocolate cake, frost it while still warm and eat it straight from the pan with roommates to share in your yumminess.

"I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled." — P.G. Wodehouse

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Blog Time?

Some of you may know that I am a very transient blogger. I was completely happy with blogspot and thought I would remain here for at least a little while...but. Yes, but. The "layout" button has completely disappeared from my "dashboard" and I cannot change the layout of my blog. This is a rather irritating situation to be in. I last changed my layout about one year ago, in honor of Valentine's Day. And now Valentine's Day is over and I cannot change the colors or the pictures or ANYTHING!!!

It is most frustrating. If it doesn't get sorted in a few days I will change blog addresses YET AGAIN! I apologize in advance!

Monday, December 22, 2008


I really, really love to eat my eggs scrambled with a bit of salt and some kind of soft cheese (munster, cheddar, anything along those lines...I've always wanted to try Brie) melted in during the final stages of scrambling. Usually I put the scrambled eggs on top of crispy-toasted bread, lightly buttered, but eating them plain is delicious too.

Fried eggs aren't really my thing, and I think boiled eggs are strange, although I will eat both variations. Eggs benedict are divine if you can forget the fact that you are consuming twice the number of non-nutrient-dense-calories with the sauce. Omelets are also quite good, with bell pepper, mushrooms, and cheese.

Aren't eggs simply amazing? There are so many recipes which call for hum-drum would life be without yummy eggs!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The capacity of the creative mind astounds me....oh look, spring rolls!

Went to the ballet last night--The Nutcracker specifically. A man there had on the most fabulous coat I have ever seen. Purple brocade with gold flecks, trimmed with black fur cuffs and collar, and finished with sailor buttons, 3/4 length. He should have been carrying a cane, but was not that I could see.

WARNING: RANT FOLLOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Must say, not the best performance I have attended. It is an interesting commentary on mankind that the thing that garnered the most applause was a double backflip, and the most moving 'pas de deux' (kind of a solo but with two people--a man and a woman), was met with a mere smattering of applause. *sigh* It was a BEAUTIFUL pas de deux. I cannot describe adequately how graceful and moving it was. Truly.

And now for the other part that took the whole night down a notch. The people at 6:00 (directly behind me) talked not only through the entire ballet, but in loud voices which were extremely distracting, and one commented that "whoever came up with the (idea) for the Nutcracker must have been on drugs." This narrow minded comment, while not deserving of my notice considering that such ignorance is not likely to be corrected by the rantings of an overwrought 22 year old, must still be commented on.

If one were to accept his rule, that the Nutcracker needed stimulants in order to be produced, then one must also go through history, look at all major great works, and judge them by the same criteria. For the sake of the argument, we must objectively consider this statement. Let us take Picasso for our example, although you may really substitute any author, painter, composer, dancer, or other. Picasso, blessed with an extraordinary talent, was drawing on the level of Titian, Rembrandt, and da Vinci, before most have their multiplication tables memorized. His particular style of cubism was one he developed with a friend, and was "done" on purpose.

Film is the highly worshipped "art" of today, and the followers it's "artists" acquire could be classified as stalkers, with the number of tabloids some fans read, and the maniacal obsession of some others. These artists, whom the obviously well educated man who sat behind me may also adore, are actually quite literally on drugs. But their performance is lauded. "Nobody cares" that they partake of narcotics. The "work" they do is so moving. (please note the sarcasm) Noone would sit in a movie theater, watching _____ (fill in the blank with your favorite actor/actress' name), and say "man, they must be on drugs."

Now, in case some of you may have read this the wrong way, I AM NOT saying that I abhor film or film actors/actresses. I AM saying that the world (America) is degenerating in an alarming manner, as we move quickly away from the appreciation of that which contains true beauty and accept instead a fake-and-bake version.