Friday, October 5, 2007

A while ago I decided to stop reading the news. Instead of feeling informed and enlightened after "catching up" on the world, I would just feel depressed and helpless. Well, that was a bit selfish of me. What if I was living, well, pretty much anywhere else in the world? For starters, I probably would not even still be alive. What a great thing is modern medicine...and the insurance to pay for it!

To illustrate better what I am trying to say, click here:;
I'm sure you are wondering what exactly propagated this little rant? I'm sure you've heard about the crisis in Burma. If not, look it up on BBC news. It is hard to think that somewhere in the world such atrocious things are happening (Darfur, for example), but they are. Please, pray, fast, light a candle, donate money to a reputable institution, sign a petition, there are so many ways to "make the world a better place." Let's all do our best to help in whatever capacity we can, and whomever we can most effectively reach out to, whether that be the oppressed in Burma, the hungry in our own nation, or even "just" the lonely grandmother down the street.

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