Saturday, November 17, 2007


Provo Canyon is just beautiful. Yesterday, about an hour before our Anthropology class, my friend Serena asked me if I wanted to go camping. She had asked me earlier this week, but I had said "absolutely not." You see, I don't like getting dirty.

Well, she convinced me. I went. SO MUCH FUN! Apart from the fact that my voice sounds really strange today after inhaling smoke (from the fire) for a few hours last night, and aside from the fact that I'm STILL cold, and tired, I'm really happy that I went. It was literally so cold that I was wearing three sweatshirts, a scarf, leggings, flannel pj pants, and fur lined slippers, sitting next to the fire, and was still freezing. I guess I'm something of an anomaly because nobody else was cold...weird.

Tomorrow I leave for "home." I say "home" because my parents moved to Virginia and I have not met my new house yet. However, I have been to Williamsburg and L-O-V-E it! I'm so excited to see my fabulous family!

1 comment:

olearyan said...

i wish i was there with you again this time....
have a deadly time :D
happy thanksgiving y'all,