Saturday, November 17, 2007


Provo Canyon is just beautiful. Yesterday, about an hour before our Anthropology class, my friend Serena asked me if I wanted to go camping. She had asked me earlier this week, but I had said "absolutely not." You see, I don't like getting dirty.

Well, she convinced me. I went. SO MUCH FUN! Apart from the fact that my voice sounds really strange today after inhaling smoke (from the fire) for a few hours last night, and aside from the fact that I'm STILL cold, and tired, I'm really happy that I went. It was literally so cold that I was wearing three sweatshirts, a scarf, leggings, flannel pj pants, and fur lined slippers, sitting next to the fire, and was still freezing. I guess I'm something of an anomaly because nobody else was cold...weird.

Tomorrow I leave for "home." I say "home" because my parents moved to Virginia and I have not met my new house yet. However, I have been to Williamsburg and L-O-V-E it! I'm so excited to see my fabulous family!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

My laptop in front of me, hands poised and ready, mental lists gone over again and again, the clock strikes midnight of my "priority registration date" (of course midnight, what other time could it possibly be with that preface) and I begin the process of registering for classes.

Have you ever seen a kid in a candy shop? Or perhaps, have you ever BEEN a kid in a candy shop? I really want to put this on your level so think of whatever it is that makes you act like that cliche, Nordstroms, Godiva, or Auto Universe. Got it in mind? Alright. Back to my analogy (translate into your analogy in your head) That's me. The dorky kid with the socks up to the knobbly knees and the grin of sheer and utter contentment. But slowly, that grin fades as the kid realizes that all the candy is out of reach and there is no step ladder and noone tall enough to reach for them. Poor kid.

Poor me. I had my classes planned out so carefully in my head. I'm STILL a planner, after all these years, if you can believe it (for those of you who don't "get" the irony in that, please refer to The Life of Brynn chapter 19...har har). Being the voracious reader that I am, and having gotten English 251 "the prerequisite" out of the way, I was more than ready to sign up for British Literature from 1800-1850, Masterpieces of World Literature, The American Novel, Shakespeare, in fact, anything that would involve reading classics, analyzing them, discussing them, I would sign up for. Alas for my priority registration date being that of a sophomore, ALL, and I mean ALL the classes were already full. You may think I exaggerate. I spent literally hours scouring the entire section of possible English classes. No such luck.

And the silver lining. I am signed up for what sound like fabulous classes. Civilization: Literature 2, and Western Humanities 201. My other classes are American Heritage and Aerobic Dance. I decided not to sign up for a religion class on campus, I'll go to an institute class of course, but my mom and I decided that maybe I shouldn't add so much all at once. I will probably be doing a lot of reading this next semester, but that is just fine with me!

The end of the story is that I got through signing up, and I am still breathing, two very important things to note. The other problem that I did not mention however, is that yet again, I have changed my mind about my major. ACK! Will the indecision never end? Welcoming all suggestions now.

Perhaps I'll just be a phlebotomist. According to a billboard I saw, I can become on in just ten easy classes.....

Friday, November 9, 2007

Last night I went to the BYU/TCU game and I left my keys at home, thinking "my roommates never, ever lock the door, I'll be fine!"

I get home and it's locked.

So I give Jess a leg-up and she manages to get onto the balcony. The glass doors are also locked. AND on top of that, she can't get down.

I call Tyson, and am laughing so hard I can barely make myself coherent. He says something like "wait, you're locked out, and Jess is stuck...on the third floor?" I say "no, the second." Long pause. "Okay are you laughing or crying?" Which makes me laugh even harder. "No, I'm just laughing," I reply. "Alright just wanted to assess the seriousness of the situation." Is his response.

He arrives but Jessica refuses to be helped down (she's never been the dramatic-damsel-in-distress kind). Tyson climbs up all our balconies (we have five) and all but the very last doors are locked, so we finally get in, and by this time, Jessica has gotten herself down from the balcony with no more than a bruised knee.

Hopefully that came out as humorously as it was supposed to, but since I've never been very good at telling, or even retelling jokes, I wouldn't be surprised if you thought it was meant to be a tragedy!

Happy Friday!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wow can you say CRUNCH time. So I am going home for Thanksgiving and leaving in one week and two days. In that time I have to write six papers. One eight page, the rest two pagers. Two of them are extra credit papers. No, I have definitely not been procrastinating. I'm the kind who finishes papers (usually) at least a week in advance. It's just been crazy lately. Bon chance pour moi!

Have I mentioned the Malt Shoppe before? Probably. Well, my mom was just here for two days (FABULOUS!) and we went there TWICE. That's how good it is. Today I had an m&m, carmel, chocolate, and pecan shake. GOOD-NESS! Loved it.

Aaaand I'm on steroids this week, it hasn't started out that great, last night alone I was up three times in the night. At least I have a lot of cheerios for my 2 am cravings.

It was so good to have my mom here. She deserves another paragraph to herself. She bought my cleaning supplies (more of them). I didn't know I needed something other than Ajax to scrub the bathroom, so I learned something new today. She vacuumed as well, and helped me rearrange my room. It looks so much better, I just love it! I get to see her again in just a week and a half so that's amazing too. Aren't mothers just the best invention ever?